Monday, August 27, 2012

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I looked outside the scene of the mess, cheap nfl shook his head, although I am not afraid of fire, but ... I'm afraid of smoke inhalation, so ...... and then go after the fire Quanmie not bad these days. .
The next three days, I in Yinlang accompanied, wandering in the space up, quiet pity, did not come out, time to time I will go find her to be happy about, but if she came out, my body of energy, he was her very powerful suction.
Finally, three days when the parts have passed outside the fire was finally completely stopped, and bid farewell to the Yinlang and quiet pity, I am finally out of the space bags.
The village of the wolf, has been full of the burnt became white, and have nothing, emotion, sigh, I look for direction, toward the war, they agreed a good direction rush.
Move out of the magic brain to control the fierce tiger, only took a day and a half, I will catch up with the retreating battle them, join us, we continue to work to agreed good to join forces move toward the site.
After one week, we finally at a place called Langya stay down, because ... here is the war and the generals of the wolf appointment rendezvous location.
Langya, located in the middle of the Wolf Plain, towering mountains, steep, and the orcs, the only werewolves and cat people, the agility of ethnic minority people, be possible on to the top of the mountain like a tiger people Beamon behemoth like the orcs, it is a step even think about approaching.
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War action, however, a call I had expected, turned the mountain with our angle, turned an obscure little col, through a forest, turned into a vast valley.
Valley and the sea are linked to the whole valley like a curved crescent Zhaoxiang the water, the most seaward position of the bright side of the mountains, has from the land a few kilometers away.
We did not stay for a long time, in the vast valley can accommodate hundreds of thousands of jungle between the shuttle in front of us actually had an absolute werewolf style is totally inconsistent with the magnificent buildings - the wolf Temple!
Learned from the war there, there was once a place to live by the generation of the wolf god, then ... after the death of the wolf god, after the man he put up the statue, and were supervised, has been ... there are werewolves the minds of the most sacred, the greatest lie, but ...... really know the people here, in addition to the bodyguard outside, only advanced wolf generals.
Under the leadership of the war, we entered the ancestral temple of the Golden Wolf, a door ... I would totally stay out stunned mouth fell open, his eyes blink at the front door is high worship together statue.
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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

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Has created the reputation of the southeast rich county. There are a lot of fat, Mao's rich, businessman. Nobility here is also much more money than other places, so is blood fox has always been thieves in the eyes of a fat meat, but this action of the group of blood fox thieves, has been subject to the obstruction of the Tyrannosaurus thieves.
Just this time Tyrannosaurus thieves regiment annihilated because the ambush Suo Feien envoys, the blood-fox thieves less constrained rivals, early in the planning of this predatory action, they are ready for several months, while four expeditions , the annexation of a dozen large and small thieves Mission Mission of the original 3,000 more than thieves they went more than doubled, while those who have been squeezed the living space small-scale thieves adventure had to invade Sri Lanka Choi Seoul County, expect to stick cheap and then go into exile, since countries are prepared to fight in recruiting, where can find a place to settle down where.
Attacking dad is these thieves in a blood-fox thieves stand, on the one hand, watching the battle in the form of Adams Cui Seoul county, local Knights, on the one hand, to collect information on all aspects, until the ripe opportunities, they This attack, that branch of the search team happened to encounter blood fox thieves ransacked the two estates of Adams Cui Seoul county, southeast of the search team although the number is not a disadvantage, there are two or three thousand, but they are the enemy in front of a knowledge, the thieves had already carefully studied their tactics, with adequate preparation.
Therefore, the beginning of the war, is a one-sided situation, only two shocks, the search team will defeat down all knights fragmented, scattered to escape while those thieves hot on his heels, the search team suffered heavy casualties, be able to come back alive , less than 100 people.
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To see the wounded knight extremely trusted eyes, oakley simply not in the hall inside stay, he alone left the inn.
Completely different with the usual street of the busy scenes of the past is full of busy people who packed his things, a lot of stores have closed down, the front of the store hung high only of foundry Tiepu and traveling.
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Sunday, August 19, 2012

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Saturday, August 18, 2012

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Purple prayer flag waving in all directions of the city.
All size trebuchet began to move position, adjust the projection direction and angle. They still despite being beaten up and down the main battlefield in the very tragic walls, and turned to the battlefield peripheral coalition Defence of cavalry.
Position adjustment is completed quickly, start loading projecting. Short stop ten minutes later, the city's solid stone base in the air again!
Stone Rain is still set aside being hit the heated walls and the city under the battlefield, turned to the distance for the alert and protective siege forces, cavalry cluster volley of Defence of the coalition counterattack against the defenders.
Originally, the Defence of cavalry in the city under siege are forces periphery alert, act as the siege of the spectators of the bloody battle. Just be careful distance from a certain distance of the shoreline, to avoid the attack of the dragon corps Water Fleet Shi Shi.
Arguably, this forces the contrast of the siege, mainly infantry comrades desperately, they cavalry task is to impact and the massacre in the city break, belonging to the risk of small income plum. Today's first day of the siege, the coalition eighty thousand infantry storm formation blocking the siege of the city gates, walls,fake oakleys, cavalry only standing there triumphantly deterrent enough.
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︱ Ming ︱, Bang!
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Big Mac with a range of far more than ordinary trebuchet, its attack power on the more violent, horizontal boulder earth are punched one of Tai Hang, splashes several feet high dust.
Both people and horses, regardless of light cavalry, heavy cavalry or steel Baoshen, finish the long march to become a meat pie!
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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

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Looked at some sleepy hazy His Majesty the Emperor seems to not wake up, Boca Ning Siji Duke had patiently let the attendants on behalf of His Majesty the Emperor cleansing, although there are several brazier emit bursts of heat, but this time to His Majesty from the warm Lira palace, the look is no wonder that His Majesty is not Yu, but this time is not thought to His Majesty the mood, when His Majesty heard these messages will understand the seriousness of the matter.
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Monday, August 13, 2012

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carelessly answered, command troops quickly to by xifengkou! Hill column standing in the position of the cold middle of the road throat, eyes without any feelings of watching the front, can he know that it is an unequal battle, the only favorable conditions is the first to occupy the peak mouth favorable position, and the enemy has not yet aware of the enemy's situation here.
The main all the troops have been deployed in the middle position is to resist the enemy offensive, the first, second and third light infantry brigade, then quietly laid an ambush in the snow, originally dark clothing with the earth should be a snow color is a great contrast, but fortunately with a lot of exposed length of rock, color, and soldiers' clothing of similar color, so less than near, the enemy is difficult to find this problem. fourth, fifth light The infantry battalion is deployed in the bushes on both sides of the summit calderas, they will greet the upcoming creating chaos with bows and arrows.
Since I was in the two battles with the Luo base found

Thursday, August 9, 2012

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Golden snake pupil, white snake scales, the eight serpent three snakeheads slowly opened his eyes, and spit stretch snake letter is also bursting out with biting fiercely.
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Until the inspiratory sound familiar, Lancelot people panic Feitui the this were barely avoided the serpent erupted high-temperature flame.
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Sunday, August 5, 2012

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Saturday, August 4, 2012

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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

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